Grace Baptist School  began in the fall of 1981 as a ministry of Grace Baptist Church. The School started with 92 students ranging from the Kindergarten class to the senior class. The decision was made to use the A-Beka Book Curriculum from Pensacola, Fl.

The school has grown in many ways in its 23-year history. We are continually upgrading our facilities and in the past few years we have built a full size gym in which our students have lunch, P. E. and sports activities.

Enrollment has been at its maximum of 150 for the past two years. Grace Baptist School has 15 full time and 3 part time staff members. These workers are involved in the pre-school, elementary, middle school and high school divisions. We have been blessed through the years to have good faithful people working for the advancement of the students.


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of Grace Baptist School is to provide sound academic instruction integrated with the historical Christian view of God and the world.

Grace Baptist School exists to do the following:

  1. To provide a Biblical approach to Christian Education.
  2. To present a realistic, practical, and balanced view of life based on the Scriptures.
  3. To maintain high academic standards for Christian families.
  4. To provide examples of mature, Christian living in the lives of the school personnel.
  5. To be an extension of the Christian home and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The goals of our school are three-fold.
First is the reverence for the Word of God, respect and honor for the home and patriotism for America.

The second goal is to have a good working relationship between parents and the school. Parents will not be discredited before their children. Even when we may not be in full agreement with certain decisions made by parents.

Our third goal is to have a strong academic program that will develop leadership on the part of the students. America needs strong Christian leaders and our prayer is, “May God help us to train some of them”.